The cost of electricity is a significant concern for households and businesses alike. In July 2023, Australia’s energy landscape experienced changes in electricity rates, particularly in the service area covered by Ergon Energy. This blog aims to provide an overview of the Ergon rate rises in July 2023, discussing the reasons behind the increase, the potential impact on consumers, and steps individuals can take to manage their energy expenses efficiently.

Ergon Energy, a Queensland-based electricity distributor, periodically adjusts its rates to account for various factors, including changes in wholesale electricity prices, network maintenance costs, infrastructure investments, and regulatory requirements. These adjustments are necessary to ensure the reliability and sustainability of the energy network while maintaining high-quality service delivery.

Ergon Energy Working in Proserpine

Among the rate rises implemented by Ergon Energy in July 2023, residential customers on Tariff 11, the standard residential electricity tariff, faced a substantial increase of 28.7% or around $429 per year. This increase directly affected households across Ergon Energy’s service area, potentially leading to higher electricity bills for residential consumers. The rise of 28.7% on Tariff 11 signifies a significant adjustment that households will need to account for in their monthly budgets.

Small businesses on Tariff 20 can expect a significant increase in their electricity bills as a result of the Ergon rate rises in July 2023. On average, the bill for a typical small business on Tariff 20 has risen by 26.8%, which amounts to an annual increase of around $511. This increase poses a considerable financial burden on small businesses, necessitating a proactive approach to manage their energy expenses and explore energy-saving measures.

Large customers on Tariff 44, Tariff 45, or Tariff 46 will also experience higher electricity costs in the upcoming year. These typical large customers can expect to pay around 7.5% to 16.7% more for electricity in the 2023-24 period. 

Customers who utilise an economy tariff for their hot water systems or pool pumps will also be affected by the Ergon rate rises in July 2023. Specifically, for customers with large hot water systems on Tariff 31, they will experience an increase of 20.1%. Similarly, customers with small hot water systems and pool pumps on Tariff 33 will face a rate rise of 17.3%. These adjustments impact customers who have opted for specific tariff options to take advantage of off-peak or controlled load rates for their hot water systems or pool pumps. 

Australian Ergon Energy Rise

Several factors contributed to the rate rises implemented by Ergon Energy in July 2023. Here are some of the primary factors:

  1. Wholesale Electricity Costs: Fluctuations in the wholesale electricity market, influenced by factors like fuel prices, supply-demand dynamics, and environmental policies, can impact the cost of energy purchased by Ergon Energy.
  2. Network Upgrades and Maintenance: Maintaining and upgrading the electricity network infrastructure is a critical part of ensuring reliable and safe electricity supply. These activities incur significant costs, which are factored into the rates.
  3. Regulatory Requirements: Energy distributors like Ergon Energy must comply with regulatory frameworks that govern the energy sector. Changes in regulations and compliance obligations can lead to rate adjustments.
  4. Renewable Energy Investments: Australia’s transition to a cleaner energy future involves substantial investments in renewable energy projects. While this transition is essential for sustainability, it can temporarily increase costs as the infrastructure is built and integrated into the grid.

The rate rises implemented by Ergon Energy can have implications for consumers. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Higher Energy Bills: The increased rates will likely result in higher electricity bills for consumers. It is essential to review and understand the new rates to manage your energy usage effectively. 
  2. Conservation and Efficiency: Higher energy costs can motivate consumers to adopt energy-saving measures and become more energy-efficient. Simple steps such as using energy-efficient appliances, optimising heating and cooling, and reducing standby power can make a significant difference.
  3. Time-of-Use Tariffs: Some energy providers offer time-of-use tariffs that vary the rates based on the time of day. Exploring these options and shifting energy-intensive activities to off-peak hours can help consumers save money.
  4. Seek Energy Alternatives: Consumers may also explore alternative energy sources, such as solar panels or battery storage systems, to reduce dependence on the grid and potentially lower their energy costs in the long run.
Solar System

While rate rises may seem daunting, there are proactive steps individuals can take to manage their energy costs:

  1. Energy Audits: Conduct an energy audit of your home or business to identify areas of improvement. This process involves assessing energy usage patterns, identifying energy wastage, and implementing strategies to reduce consumption.
  2. Energy-Efficient Appliances: Invest in energy-efficient appliances that carry high energy star ratings. These appliances consume less electricity, which can result in long-term savings.
  3. Behavioural Changes: Simple behavioral changes such as turning off lights when not in use, unplugging electronics, and adjusting thermostat settings can make a substantial impact on energy consumption.
  4. Seek Expert Advice: Consult with energy experts or professionals who can provide tailored advice based on your specific circumstances. They can help identify potential savings opportunities and guide you in making informed energy-related decisions.
  5. Invest in Solar: Consider installing solar panels to generate your own renewable energy. Solar power can help offset electricity costs and reduce dependence on the grid, especially during peak rate periods.
  6. Invest in Solar Battery Storage: Pairing solar panels with battery storage systems allows you to store excess energy generated during the day for use during peak rate periods or when the sun is not shining. This can help further reduce reliance on the grid and optimise energy usage, potentially leading to additional savings.

By adopting these measures and exploring renewable energy options like solar power and battery storage, individuals can take proactive steps towards managing their energy costs and promoting sustainability in their homes or businesses.

The July 2023 Ergon rate rises in Australia reflect the dynamic nature of the energy industry, influenced by factors such as wholesale electricity costs, network maintenance, and regulatory requirements. While these rate increases may result in higher electricity bills for consumers, adopting energy-saving measures, exploring alternative energy sources, and making informed choices can help mitigate the impact.

By becoming more energy-conscious and managing consumption wisely, individuals and businesses can take control of their energy costs and contribute to a sustainable energy future. At SnapSolar we help households and businesses throughout Queensland reduce and eliminate their energy bills. Contact our Solar specialists today for a Free Quote!

As the world increasingly embraces renewable energy, solar power has emerged as a leading solution for clean and sustainable electricity generation. With numerous solar panel brands vying for attention, it can be challenging to determine which ones offer the best quality and performance. In this article, we present a comprehensive rating guide that highlights the top solar panel brands based on various key factors, empowering you to make an informed decision for your solar energy needs.

High-quality solar panels are of paramount importance when considering a solar energy system. Firstly, high-quality panels offer superior efficiency, allowing for maximum electricity generation from the available sunlight. This means that a smaller number of high-quality panels can produce the same amount of electricity as a larger number of lower-quality panels, making them ideal for installations with limited space.

Secondly, high-quality panels are built to last, with better durability and resistance to environmental factors such as extreme temperatures, humidity, and potential damage from hail or strong winds. This ensures that the panels can withstand harsh conditions and continue to perform optimally for many years, maximising the return on investment.

Additionally, high-quality panels often come with comprehensive warranties, providing peace of mind and protection against any potential manufacturing defects or performance issues. Choosing high-quality solar panels ensures reliability, longevity, and a higher likelihood of achieving the expected energy production levels, ultimately leading to greater savings and environmental benefits.

Below is a pyramid of solar panel brands and what we believe to best the high quality solar panel brand and lowest quality solar panel brand without regards to price.

Solar Panel Brands by Quality

Solar panel brand quality in SnapSolar’s opinion:

When considering solar panel brands, it is crucial to evaluate factors such as efficiency, durability, warranties, and industry reputation. SunPower, Q Cells, and REC consistently rank among the top brands due to their superior performance, reliability, and customer satisfaction. By choosing a reputable brand, you can ensure optimal energy production, long-term durability, and a significant contribution to a sustainable future powered by solar energy.

SunPower consistently ranks among the top solar panel brands due to its exceptional efficiency and longevity. Renowned for their Maxeon® solar cell technology, SunPower panels boast industry-leading efficiency rates, ensuring maximum energy production from limited roof space. With a strong emphasis on durability, their panels are known for their resistance to degradation over time. Moreover, SunPower offers comprehensive warranties, assuring customers of their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Q Cells, a subsidiary of Hanwha Group, is a leading solar panel brand known for its high-performance modules. Q Cells utilises state-of-the-art technology, including their proprietary Q.ANTUM cell technology, to achieve excellent efficiency and durability. Their panels undergo rigorous quality control measures and come with comprehensive warranties, making them a reliable choice for residential and commercial installations.

REC is a reputable solar panel brand that emphasises quality, efficiency, and sustainability. REC panels are manufactured using cutting-edge technologies, such as their award-winning TwinPeak series, which offers enhanced power output in limited spaces. REC’s commitment to sustainability is demonstrated through their use of sustainably sourced materials and extensive recycling programs. With strong warranties and a focus on customer satisfaction, REC is a reliable option for solar energy projects.

At SnapSolar we use the highest quality solar panels for residential and commercial solar systems to ensure durability, optimal performance and maximum electricity generation. Contact our solar specialists today and get started on your journey towards a cleaner future.

Solar energy has emerged as a leading renewable energy source, providing an environmentally friendly and sustainable alternative to conventional energy generation. As solar panel technology continues to advance, understanding the various factors that affect solar panel efficiency is crucial.

One significant factor that can impact solar panel performance is temperature. In this article, we will delve into the relationship between temperature and solar panel efficiency, exploring its effects, the underlying mechanisms, and potential mitigation strategies.

Solar panel efficiency refers to the ability of a solar panel to convert sunlight into usable electrical energy. It is typically represented as a percentage, reflecting the ratio of converted solar energy to the total solar energy striking the panel. Higher efficiency panels generate more electricity from the same amount of sunlight, making them desirable for maximising energy production.

Solar panels are designed to operate under various environmental conditions, including temperature fluctuations. However, temperature has a significant impact on solar panel efficiency, leading to a decrease in performance as temperatures rise. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the temperature coefficient.

The temperature coefficient is a value used to quantify the effect of temperature on solar panel efficiency. It is expressed as a percentage change in efficiency per degree Celsius (°C) change in temperature. Solar panels typically have a negative temperature coefficient, meaning that their efficiency decreases as temperatures increase. The magnitude of the temperature coefficient varies depending on the panel’s technology, design, and manufacturing quality.

Several factors contribute to the decrease in solar panel efficiency as temperatures rise:

  1. Increased Electron Mobility: Higher temperatures cause an increase in electron mobility within the solar panel’s semiconductor material. This heightened mobility leads to an accelerated recombination of electrons and holes, reducing the overall electrical output.
  2. Thermalisation Losses: As the temperature of the solar panel rises, the energy of photons is transferred to the panel’s atoms and electrons. This energy loss, known as thermalisation, decreases the available energy for electricity generation. 
  3. Increased Resistance: Temperature influences the resistance of the electrical pathways within the solar panel. Higher temperatures result in increased resistance, leading to greater energy losses during current flow.

To mitigate the negative effects of temperature on solar panel efficiency, various strategies can be employed:

  1. Active Cooling Systems: Implementing active cooling mechanisms, such as using fans or liquid cooling, helps dissipate excess heat from the solar panels. By maintaining lower operating temperatures, these systems can improve overall efficiency.
  2. Panel Placement and Ventilation: Properly positioning solar panels to maximise airflow and reduce heat buildup can help mitigate temperature-related losses. This includes ensuring appropriate spacing between panels, providing shade, or using elevated mounting systems to promote natural ventilation.
  3. Selecting High-Temperature Tolerant Panels: Manufacturers are developing solar panels with enhanced thermal stability and reduced temperature coefficients. These panels are designed to maintain higher efficiency even at elevated temperatures, minimising efficiency losses.
  4. Tracking Systems: Solar tracking systems that orient the panels to optimise sunlight exposure can reduce the impact of temperature on efficiency. By following the sun’s path, these systems expose the panels to a more consistent solar energy input, counterbalancing the temperature-related losses.

Temperature plays a significant role in the efficiency of solar panels, with higher temperatures leading to decreased performance. Understanding the mechanisms behind this temperature-induced efficiency loss is crucial for maximising solar energy generation.

By working with our solar specialists, you can be assured that your home and business solar panel system will have the highest quality products to ensure you are receiving maximum efficiency. Contact Our Team Today!

In recent years, the world has witnessed a growing concern about the impact of traditional fossil fuels on the environment. As a result, renewable energy sources have gained significant traction in the global energy landscape. Governments and corporations alike are now actively promoting the adoption of clean energy technologies to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions.

Two mechanisms used to incentivise the generation and consumption of renewable energy are LGCs (Large-scale Generation Certificates) and STCs (Small-scale Technology Certificates). In this article, we will explore the differences between LGCs and STCs and their role in promoting a sustainable energy future.

Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are another form of renewable energy certificates that support and encourage the adoption of small-scale renewable energy systems. These systems typically include rooftop solar panels, solar water heaters, small wind turbines, and heat pumps. STCs are particularly prevalent in countries with government schemes or incentives aimed at promoting residential and small-scale renewable energy installations.

Installing a 5 kW solar system can produce around 76 MWh of electricity until 2031, entitling you to receive 76 STCs. With each STC valued at $37, you would receive a generous $2,812 discount off the total cost of the 5 kW system. This incentive makes adopting clean energy not only environmentally friendly but also financially rewarding.

Installing a 100 kW solar system, your business solar system will generate around 1,520 MWh of electricity until 2030, qualifying for 1,520 STCs. At a value of $37 per STC, you would receive a substantial $56,240 discount off the total cost of the 100 kW system. This remarkable incentive not only reinforces your commitment to sustainability but also offers significant financial benefits, making the transition to clean energy an economically savvy decision for your business.

Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) are a form of renewable energy certificates designed to support and promote large-scale renewable energy generation projects. These projects typically involve utility-scale solar farms, wind farms, hydroelectric power plants, and biomass facilities. LGCs are specific to countries or regions with renewable energy targets or renewable energy portfolio standards.

Both LGCs and STCs play vital roles in promoting renewable energy adoption and combating climate change. While LGCs incentivise large-scale renewable energy projects, STCs encourage small-scale installations, including solar panels and wind turbines, in residential and commercial properties.

At SnapSolar, our mission is to empower households and businesses across Queensland to take control of their energy costs and contribute to a greener future. Contact our dedicated team of Solar specialists today for a FREE Quote and discover how you can harness the power of the sun to achieve energy independence and financial savings.

In recent years, the push for renewable energy sources has gained considerable momentum, with solar energy at the forefront of this movement. As the world grapples with the need to transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy alternatives, the concept of going local for solar energy has emerged as a compelling solution. This approach involves generating solar power at a community or individual level, rather than relying solely on large-scale, centralised solar farms. This article explores why embracing local solar initiatives is vital for communities, economies, and the environment.

By choosing to go local for solar energy, communities gain a sense of empowerment and control over their energy production. Small-scale solar installations allow individual homesbusinesses, and institutions to generate their electricity, reducing dependence on centralised power systems. This independence enhances energy security and resilience, especially during grid disruptions or natural disasters.

Investing in local solar projects stimulates job creation and economic growth at the community level. Installation, maintenance, and support services for solar systems require skilled workers, contributing to local employment opportunities. The growth of solar-related businesses can foster a dynamic local economy that’s less reliant on external energy sources and more self-sustaining.

Economic Growth

Local solar initiatives foster a culture of innovation and education. As communities engage with solar technology, they become more knowledgeable about renewable energy and its benefits. This can spark interest in related fields, such as energy storage, smart grid technologies, and energy-efficient practices.

Embracing local solar projects fosters a sense of community engagement and social cohesion. Shared investments and efforts towards sustainable energy solutions bring people together, leading to stronger community bonds and a collective commitment to a greener future.

One of the significant advantages of going local for solar energy is the elimination of middlemen. Local solar projects often involve direct engagement between residents and solar service providers, reducing additional costs associated with intermediaries. Moreover, local installers possess expertise in the region’s construction practices and regulations, ensuring that solar systems are seamlessly integrated into the local architecture.

Local solar providers frequently offer personalised services, including home visits and consultations. This hands-on approach allows experts to assess the specific energy needs of individual households and tailor solar solutions accordingly. These personalised interactions enhance customer satisfaction and contribute to the overall success of local solar initiatives.

SnapSolar Team

In the journey toward a more sustainable planet, adopting solar energy at the local level holds immense importance. Going local for solar empowers communities, creates jobs, reduces energy loss, and mitigates environmental impacts. Furthermore, it promotes energy independence, innovation, and community engagement.

As the world transitions towards cleaner energy sources, the decision to embrace solar power locally emerges as a key driver of positive change—a change that benefits not only individuals but also the planet we all share. If you’re considering taking this transformative step, contact our team of dedicated solar experts who are ready to guide you on your path to a greener, brighter future.

Jackson is joined by Leo from BYD on episode 5 to talk about the company’s history, product range and future projections for BYD batteries.

BYD Battery Box Premium Introduction Video

BYD Battery Box Production Video

Jackson Wyer is joined by Leon Minic from Proximity Motorsport on episode 4. Leon touches on how he went around adding solar to his leased premises and how this benefited his company. Leon talks about why he decided to install solar for his new build and for his business

Jackson Wyer is joined by Jordan Pearson on episode 3. Jackson & Jordan discuss Jordan’s move over to Australia and his work background, Jordan’s first couple weeks on the job, solar misconceptions, what solar involves and what you should have handy before installers come to view your propert

Jackson Wyer is joined by Jordan Pearson this week to talk about the latest range of Solar Battery Storage they have in stock at the SnapShack. Learn about Tesla, BYD, Q CELL and Sungrow battery storage!

Jackson: Hey, what’s up guys, welcome back to Snapchat. Today, we’re over at the Snap Shack, and we’re gonna go through our latest range of available batteries for your home on the market today.

Jackson: Joined with our new recruit, Jordan, who’s an expert in the field of BYD. So with recent trends in the market, we’ve seen an upswing in the installations of battery systems with solar systems.

Jackson: The reason for this is obviously changes in the market, high electricity prices and unsurety in the market. More and more people are trending towards having a battery fitted to their home. Today we’re gonna dive into the products that we offer and some of the AC and DC solutions available for your home.

Jackson: So guys, some key things that you wanna know before dipping your toe into inquiring about batteries is AC coupling and DC coupling. To keep things really simple Guys, all AC coupling means is that your inverter is built into your battery system.

Jackson: Now everyone’s familiar with Elon Musk and the iconic brand of Tesla. Tesla’s, uh, power War II solution is what we consider an AC coupled battery system. So basically what that means, guys, is that the inverter unit is built in to the battery system. 

Jackson: But why does any of that matter? Will affect the solar system’s size that you put on your home and potentially the design that you go with.

Jackson: Speaking in regards to the Ergon network and in North Queensland Net Network, we have a restriction of 10 KVA per phase. So what does that mean for your battery system? The 10 KVA per phase ruling affects your battery system design because we are only allowed a 10 kilowatt inverter capacity per phase.

Jackson: A Tesla Power Wall two has a rating of a five-kilowatt inverter capacity. So realistically that means we can only couple an extra five-kilowatt solar onto the system. This ruling makes expansion of the unit difficult. It means that we’re only able to run a five kilowatt inverter and going off our 33% over dimension. A 6.6-kilowatt solar system is technically the largest solar system that we can install with the Tesla Power Wall 2. That’s why it’s really important to be dealing with a company that understands the restrictions and regulations around your solar design and the implementation of what battery design you choose to go with.

Jackson: Cause we can direct you whether AC coupling or DC coupling is the best solution for your home. But guys, for all of you Elon Musk fans out there, don’t let this deter you from the great product that’s out there. The Tesla Power Wall 2, it’s a rock-solid product, It has some really smarts about it, you’ve got some good integrated apps and monitoring software available for this unit, and let’s face it, It has to be one of the sexiest batteries available on the market.

Jordan: I disagree. This is the sexiest battery there is on the market. This is BYD’s dc stackable solution. Not only is it robust, it’s stackable, so we can simply add more batteries. So this is important because not only do we have to be limited with the amount of batteries you’ve first purchased, we can add batteries on later on down the line. BYD, If DC coupled, it means you can be more flexible with your designs and will be a great system for any home solar. 

Jackson: Another great solution for your home is a Q Home Core. The Q Home Core is a sleek battery solution for homeowners that have pre-existing solar or wish to go battery with new solar systems.

Jordan: So also another great stackable solution, sun grows DC coupled battery system also stackable. So not much difference between these two, apart from this one comes at a slightly better price point, both amazing battery solutions for any home.

Jackson: Alright guys, that wraps up the Snap Solar battery range for 2023.

Jordan: If you wanna find out about the sexy BYD battery.

Jackson: or if you wanna find out more about Tesla hit us up in the link below. More than happy to answer any of your battery inquiries or battery questions. Thanks for watching!

Jackson Wyer touches on everything you need to know before going solar in 2023. Learn about building consumption, meter reading, tariffs, and service fees.


Jackson: Hey what’s up guys, Jackson Wyer from SnapSolar. Today we’re going to be covering everything that you need to know before going solar in 2023!

Jackson: Before getting caught up in all the excitement of technology and the wonderland of solar, there’s a couple of things that you need to know before going and inquiring about solar. On a typical ergon electricity bill, consumption is located on the first page about halfway down, under “Compare Your Usage”

Jackson: Consumption is important and you want to think of consumption much like fuel economy and fuel of your car. Your home’s consumption is much like liters per hundred with electricity accounts it’s measured in kilowatts or kilowatts per day.

Jackson: Now that you understand your home’s consumption and your daily consumption of your property, we can start to look at the property and look at the time of use consumption. Time of use consumption is important because that breaks it down for us with when is the home needing electricity and when will that electricity be being used.

Jackson: Typically solar only works during the day and a typical connect solar inverter without a battery will only offset power during the day, so it’s important to note what loads are running through the day so that you can adequately size the system to suit. Typically gid connect solar systems only offset power that’s being used during the day. Examples of this are pools, hot water systems or when the customers home and using aircon use and things like that. 

Jackson: A typical base load for a residential in North Queensland is anywhere from 250 watts to about 500 watts base load. Now that you understand how to read your electricity bill and you’ve seen where to find the daily usage of your property; I.E in this case, 14 kilowatts. We can then look at that and go when is that power being used? 

Jackson: A great way as a homeowner that you can track your power usage is to go out to your meter board and read your meter. If we read our meter in a 12-hour period, I.E 8 am to 8 pm, we can then break down our daytime usage versus our nighttime usage. To keep things simple, for a 14-kilowatt home, a daytime usage may be 7 kilowatts and a nighttime usage of 7 kilowatts, therefore a typical storage needed for a property of this size would be 7 kilowatts of storage. A customer can then approach a solar company with this data and get an appropriately sized system, for the company it would be clear for the homeowners and owner’s nighttime usage and the homeowners day time usage. This comes into effect if a client would like to invest in battery storage or whether a grid connect solar system is suffice for the property. 

Jackson: Now you’ve gone through and you’re able to read your electricity bill and you’ve broken down your home usage. Another key thing to note on electricity is tariffs, there are multiple tariffs used, the most commonly used on residential is tariff 11 general supply. 

Jackson: Another tariff that’s commonly used is tariff 31 and 32, these are known as time-of-use tariffs or off-peak tariffs. Generally used for heating hot water systems, pumping and things alike, traditionally when solar is installed the solar company will remove tariff 33 and 31, we’ll move these across to general supply tariff 11. Upon doing this we time and programmed these loads for things like hot water systems, we time these loads to run during the day when your solar is running. So that your solar system is now heating the hot water and you’re no longer paying for that load, this is the most effective way to handle time of use consumption loads and it’s the most affordable way to heat your hot water system.

Jackson: Another key figure to note on your account is your meet a service fees and account-keeping fees. Typically on an ergon account, these make up about a dollar to a dollar twenty per day of service fees and service charges. These are outside of your usage and attached to your account payable either monthly or quarterly depending on your account. Service fees will always be attached to an account even after the solar is installed. 

Jackson: So therefore guys things like consumption, time-of-use consumption, base loads and service fees are all things that you can offset by installing a solar system.

Jackson: Thanks for tuning in guys and watching the first of our mini-series of everything that you need to know before buying solar in 2023. Next week we interview the boys from Q Cell and they’re going to load us up with all the new product range for 2023 and all the technology that they’ll be releasing throughout the next year.

Jackson: Stay tuned! we’re going to dive into product reviews, tech talks, interview the masterminds of our industry and get excited about all the new things coming to the market for 2023! Alright guys, stay tuned, see you next week.